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5th and 6th Grades

Ancient World History:

Students will dive into cultures of the ancient world and develop an understanding of how these past events affect the present times. Students will also study about the development of Christianity and learn about God’s plan for man from the beginning of creation. Units that students will study are: Europe, Russia, Eurasian Republics, North America, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Pacific, and Research. Each unit will focus on the following themes of social studies: history, geography, citizenship, economics, government, and culture. This is the classroom website where you can find information on what is going on in class as well as copies of any assignments the students have been given:

Earth Science:

Students will develop a Christian worldview of science so they are able to decipher differences between Christianity and scientism in the field of science. Students will also develop lab safety awareness and different uses of lab equipment. Students will study units on: scientific method, organisms and environments, earth and space, matter and energy, and force, motion, and energy. There are many labs incorporated into the lessons for students to have hands-on experiences as we go through the school year. Students will also participate in a School Science Fair in January. This is the classroom website where you can find information on what is going on in class as well as copies of any assignments the students have been given:


Student reviews previously taught concepts and introduces new ones such as statistics and graphs, solving for variables in an equation, and more. The educational materials are taught from a biblical perspective and encourages students to use math as a tool for exercising dominion over the earth. The materials also teaches for understanding and aims to develop critical thinking skills.

Language Arts:

Material emphasizes traditional grammar as well as practice with essential reference skills. The elementary English educational materials provides a step-by-step introduction to the Writing Process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as personal narratives, newspaper editorials, historical fiction, and limericks.


In Bible class, the first and foremost objective is that each student be taught and understand the Gospel message (God’s salvation plan).  The students will be instructed using the New International Version of the Bible. The students use the ‘Bible Truths’ workbook, along with the Bible to understand the Christian worldview taught in Scripture.  One element is to understand that creation exists to declare God’s glory. We also highlight connections between the Bible and other subjects studied in school.  We do this by analyzing Bible verses, learning Bible study skills, critiquing responses, formulating biblical philosophies, and writing opportunities will allow your student to be directed by God’s Word toward a heart and character that is pleasing to Him.


Students in grade 5th through high school are places in a daily PE class.  This class has a main goal of strengthening the student’s growing muscles, tendons, bones, and to increase agility and mobility.  The class is adaptable for any age group, as well as, the physical ability of the individual student. We have and enforce tolerance for criticism of the individual student’s abilities