Kindergarten and 1st Grade
We read a Bible story every day. Each week for homework we memorize a new Bible verse.
We track print left to right. We read high frequency words and blend sounds to form one-syllable words. We identify upper and lower case letters, elements of a story. We begin to use correct spacing, capitalization, and punctuation.
We identify basic shapes and solid shapes. We identify numbers and ways to earn money. We compare and order objects (length, weight, and capacity). We demonstrate addition and subtraction. We also do calendar every day.
We use safety procedures during labs. We use our five senses to explore. We differentiate between living and non-living things. We observe weather changes. We sort plants and animals based on physical characteristics.
Social Studies:
We recite pledges to our flags. We understand the importance of family customs. We understand contributions of historical figures. We identify areas on a map and use tools from a map.
Literacy Centers:
Kindergarteners complete centers independently by doing activities based on things we have covered in class such as writing and sentence activities.
The elementary grades Kinder through 4th are placed in a class together. This class has a main goal of strengthening the student’s growing muscles, tendons, bones, and to increase agility and mobility. The class is adaptable for any age group, as well as, the physical ability and maturity level of the individual student.
First Grade:
We read a Bible story every day. Each week for homework we memorize a new Bible verse.
We read texts by moving from top to bottom of the page. We identify and read at least 100 high frequency words. We read grade level text with fluency and comprehension. We understand new vocabulary and use it when reading. We use elements of the writing process to compose text.
We identify coins and their value. We use objects, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to 120. We apply basic fact strategies to add and subtract within 20. We use measuring tools to measure the length of objects.
We use safety procedures during labs. We use our five senses to explore. We differentiate between living and non-living things. We observe weather changes. We sort plants and animals based on physical characteristics.
Social Studies:
We recite pledges to our flags. We understand the importance of family customs. We understand contributions of historical figures. We identify areas on a map and use tools from a map.
Literacy Centers:
First Graders complete centers independently by doing activities based on things we have covered in class such as writing and sentence activities.
The elementary grades Kinder through 4th are placed in a class together. This class has a main goal of strengthening the student’s growing muscles, tendons, bones, and to increase agility and mobility. The class is adaptable for any age group, as well as, the physical ability and maturity level of the individual student.