Frequently Asked Questions
Where is GCA located?
We are located inside Waller Baptist Church at 1208 Penick Rd. Waller, TX 77484.
What grades do you serve?
We serve 18 months through 12th grade.
What are the school hours?
Our official hours are 8am-3:30pm but our drop off time starts at 7:30am.
Is GCA affiliated with a church?
Although our school is currently located at Waller Baptist Church, we are not affiliated with any particular church or denomination
How many students attend GCA?
Our current enrollment is 57 and growing.
How many students are in a classroom?
Currently our classes range from 5-12 children per class with a max teacher/student ratio of 12 students per teacher.
Does GCA offer before and after school childcare?
We currently offer before school care at 6:30 am and after school care from dismissal until 6:00 pm for an additional fee.
What is the birthday cutoff for kindergarten?
Students entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old by September 1st.
Besides the cost, what is the difference between part-time and full-time Pre-K?
Pre-K3 is offered as a part or full-time program. Pre-K3 students attend school 3 days per week from 8:00am-3:30pm. Parents will meet with the head of schools to determine which 3 days best suit the child’s/parent’s needs. Full Time Pre-K attends school 5-days per week from 8:00am-3:30pm
Is GCA accredited?
Yes. Our PreK-8th grade program is accredited through the Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools (TAAPS) Our 9-12 grade online program is offered through Edgenuity Virtual Academy (EVA) and is accredited through the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Counsel on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI)
How does GCA compare with other schools in regard to national testing?
Our students are given the Iowa Skills Test each spring to determine academic success and growth.
Which foreign languages are offered?
We currently do not offer foreign languages for junior high through the school. However, a parent may submit a request to enroll a student in a home-based course (such as Rosetta Stone), and upon administrative approval may complete the course for high school credit. All Foreign language courses must be submitted for approval PRIOR to beginning the course. The EVA high school program does offer Spanish and French.
What are your homework guidelines?
Any homework assigned will be given a due date, and is expected to be turned in on time. Penalties for late work will be as follows:
1 day late = 10 points deducted
2 days late = 20 points deducted
3 days late = 40 points deducted
Assignments turned in 4 or more days late will result in a 0 for the assignment
How does one’s faith grow at GCA?
We offer required Bible classes beginning in Kindergarten. We also have chapel daily for our PreK-3 through 5th grade students, and weekly for our 6th-12th grade students.
Does GCA have a fine arts program?
An introductory art class is offered once a week and there are opportunities to participate in drama club for Christmas productions.
Which sports does GCA offer?
With student interest and parent involvement sport are added.
Do students wear uniforms?
Yes. Students are required to wear a polo shirt in either navy, white or red. At least one shirt must be embroidered with our logo for when we go on field trips. Polo shirts which do not have our logo may not be embroidered or printed with any other words/images. Bottoms consist of khaki or navy pants, capris, skorts, skirts, jumpers, or walking shorts that extend past the finger tips when in a relaxed stance. It is recommended that some type of short be worn under skirts or jumpers to ensure modesty.
Do you have a hot lunch program?
We do not currently offer a hot lunch program. Students are required to bring a lunch from home daily. However, we do have a microwave available for items that need to be warmed.
How much is tuition?
Application fee (New Students Only-Non-transferable/Non-refundable) $100
Admissions and Testing Fee (New Students - Only when necessary) $125
Annual Registration Fee (ALL STUDENTS-Due Upon Acceptance/Re-enrollment) $850
Annual Tuition is as follows:
Pre-K3 (3-day program): $5,500/yr ($162/week)
Pre-K3/Pre-K4 (5-day program): $7,000/yr ($206/week)
Kindergarten through 4th grade: $7,300/yr ($215/week)
5th Grade through 8th Grade: $7,500/yr ($221/week)
9th grade through 12 Grade: $8,000/yr ($236/week)
Payment Options:
10 equal payments starting August 1, 2022, paid in full by May 1, 2023
1 payment in full, August 1, 2022 (receives a 5% discount)
GCA offer financial assistance?
GCA is not in a position to offer financial assistance at this time.
How is the leadership structured?
We are a non-profit organization lead by a Head of School and guided by a Board of Directors.
My child has special needs. Can you accommodate him/her?
We can accommodate most 504 plans, and most EPs with a primary disability designation of SLD (specific learning disability), SI (speech) and OHI (Other Health Impairment). Students having any other primary disability designation may be enrolled on a case by case basis depending on whether our staff has had adequate training to best meet the student’s needs. A meeting would need to be scheduled with the Head of School and grade level teachers.
What is the community like at GCA?
The Community at GCA is much like a large family. Students and Teachers alike have their own unique personalities, and our teachers are very creative in their presentation of materials. Parents are encouraged to be involved in their child’s education by volunteering and attending our events throughout the year
Does the school have a parent volunteer program?
Yes, there are many opportunities for parents to volunteer at GCA.
How do I schedule a tour, classroom observation or student-shadowing?
To schedule a tour, classroom observation or student-shadowing, simply call the front office at (936) 372-0901
Does the school utilize carpools?
Carpools are usually arranged between parents who live in the same general area.
Are computers available for students?
We do have a computer lab accessible for students here at the school. Personal devices (laptop, tablet, smartphone) may also be used for school approved activities. Students will not be allowed to have personal devices out unless the teacher assigns an activity for which they may be used. Computer and personal devices will be monitored to ensure appropriate usage while at school.
What holidays does GCA observe?
GCA observes the following holidays: Labor Day, Waller County Fair Day (on October 5th this year), Thanksgiving week, Christmas Break (2 weeks), Martin Luther King, Jr. day, Spring Break (2nd full week in March), Good Friday, and Memorial Day (if school is still in session)
Are high school students allowed to leave campus for lunch?
High School Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch at the present time.
What grading scale does GCA use?
GCA is on a 10 point grading scale
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 75-79
D 70-74
F 69 or below
Which curriculum do you use?
Our PreK-8th grade program uses the BJU curriculum and our 9th-12th grade currently uses Edgenuity Virutal Academy Ignitia program online (with a classroom facilitator)