Dress Code
Dress Code
Every attempt is being made to train our students for spiritual and academic excellence. The Biblical principles upon which the dress code is based are modesty, cleanliness, and neatness. Grace Christian Academy recognizes parental authority and depends on parents to support the dress code. Grace Christian Academy has adopted an L.E.S.S. Dress Code: Likable, Enforceable, Sensible, and Simple. The school administration reserves the right in determining violations of the dress code. If, in the view of administration, a student is in violation of the dress code, the student's parents may be asked to pick up the student, to bring proper attire, or to take care of any other infraction.
GCA has two local vendors with our new logo saved for the required logo polo and PE clothing. Please contact them for orders.
We Brand It (979) 921-0200 Order form here.
All Out Graphics (936) 372-8286 Products and order form here.
Dress code violations include any form of non-compliance with the daily dress code. Students with dress code violations will receive appropriate tallies and consequences. All dress code violations will be handled by the Principal on an individual basis.
Students should come to school dressed in modest attire appropriate for the season and the weather, avoiding any clothing or accessories that may be a hindrance during restroom breaks. No spaghetti straps.
In choosing shoes, please be mindful of the active day in the life of your child. Closed-toe shoes are preferred.
Please provide a change of clothes and undergarments to accommodate the needs of your child. These may need to be replenished or modified throughout the year.
Please put your child’s name in all jackets/sweaters/coats.
For safety reasons, please refrain from sending your child to school wearing a necklace.
The daily uniform is worn 4 days a week with one day a week jeans and Christian t-shirt day unless otherwise determined by the administration.
All skirts, shorts, and skorts should be appropriate and tasteful lengths. The standard is no shorter than 3” above the knee.
All shoes must have closed toes and heels and should have non-marking soles. Heels and/or soles should be no higher than 2”.
All shirts and pants/jeans/skirts/shorts must be neat. NO holes allowed. NO cut-offs allowed. NO frayed edges allowed.
Shirts may be worn un-tucked on any day.
Belts must be worn if a shirt is tucked in and the garment has belt loops. Fashion belts, such as scarves and ribbons are acceptable.
Please put your child’s name in all jackets/sweaters/coats.
No hats or caps may be worn in any campus building between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
No Goth look.
GIRLS: Hair must be neat and maintained with no unusual styles that may distract from the learning environment. Highlighted or colored hair must remain in hair colors created by God. Girls should have not more than 2 piercings per ear, with none above the middle of the ear, and no other visible body piercings (including gauges) or tattoos. Kindergarten through 4th-grade girls is not permitted to wear make-up. Any make-up worn should maintain a conservative look.
BOYS: No facial hair. Hair around the ears, including sideburns, may not be longer than the bottom of the ear. Hair may not cover the eyebrows. No hair over the collar or unusual hairstyles that may distract from the learning environment. Highlighted or colored hair must remain in hair colors created by God. Visible tattoos, any ear or body piercings (including gauges), and nail polish are not acceptable.
One day a week is designated for Christian T-shirt day. Students may wear a school shirt or Christian T-shirt of their choice on this day.
Jackets should only have subtle markings or a GCA embroidered jacket.
Elementary — No special clothes required
Junior/Senior High — 5th grade — 12th Grade-Athletic shoes and PE uniform consisting of navy athletic shorts reaching at least mid-thigh and a gray school logo t-shirt are required. The t-shirts will be ordered through the school.
There will be certain designated days throughout the school year that will be “Fun Dress Days” when the students get the opportunity to thematically dress out of uniform. Such days may include themes like “Sports” day or “Go Western” Day or “College” Day. These are days when students are encouraged to dress within the theme but not required. If they cannot or do not dress in the theme, the student is allowed to dress out of uniform as long as the attire does not break the dress code (length of shorts, no graphics, etc.).