Nurse/Medical Info
Nurse & Medical Information
Please make sure that all medical history is updated each year. If anything changes during the school year, please make sure to update the information with the nurse.
When to Keep Your Children Home
Guidelines based upon the Committee on Control of Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of Pediatrics, states that individuals should remain at home when any of the following exist:
● Fever (100 degrees or above). Students must be feverfree for a full 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school.
● Excessive runny nose, headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing or earaches related to the common cold. (To return must be free of deep, barky cough).
● Vomiting or diarrhea (To return must be free of symptom for a full 24 hours. The only exception is athletically induced vomiting resulting from overexertion (as determined by the A.D., the nurse or a member of Administration).
● Any symptom of childhood diseases (e.g., scarlet fever, German measles, mumps, chicken pox, or whooping cough). To return doctor’s release is required.
● Croup / Croupy cough
● Any unexplained rash (To return doctor’s release is required.)
● Any skin infection (e.g., boils, ringworm, impetigo, etc.). (To return doctor’s release is required.)
● Pink eye or other infection (To return doctor’s release is required and medication needs to be dispensed for a full 24 hours prior to returning to school.)
● Head Lice (pediculosis) Students must be free of all live lice and nits (eggs) before being allowed to return to school.
You are asked to keep your child at home if any of the above are present. This request is made for his/her protection as well as for the protection of the other students. His/her doctor must confirm that a child who has been absent because of a contagious disease is noncontagious before returning to school.
NOTE: Students who display any of these symptoms will not be allowed to remain at school. Parents will be contacted so that they may arrange to pick up their children within one hour.
All students are strongly encouraged to have a physical examination before school starts each year. Upon initial admittance to GCA, all physical limitations (if any) are noted and if continuous medical care or medication is required for the student, arrangements are made in accordance with the need and/or doctor’s (parent’s) wishes. This notation then becomes a part of the student’s record.
Immunization records are on file for each student and teacher. If a family opts out of vaccinations, the family MUST provide the GCA office with a state issued vaccination exemption form.
Teachers are always alert for physical problems which may arise and immediately report these to the office. The parents are then promptly informed so that proper medical attention may be rendered if needed. Grace Christian Academy has a licensed medical professional on campus. If a student needs to take medication during the day, the parent must sign a medication instruction form and leave the medication with the appropriate office. When a student has a serious medical condition that may require emergency treatment, parents will be required to sign a release of liability agreement.
Accidents are attended to by the teacher on duty or one of the coaches. First aid is applied if needed. Parents are then notified immediately and an accident report form is filled out. A copy is given to the parent for the doctor (if necessary), and a copy is filed.
Students of GCA are required to have accident insurance or Medicaid before being admitted to our school. No student is allowed to stay in school unless he/she is covered by accident insurance or Medicaid. Grace Christian Academy assumes no responsibility for student injury claims during school activities.